A lively crime story set in the streets and palaces of a shiny and restless Liguria.
A vivid late-summer sunlight in Chiavari, a tidy and clean Ligurian city on the sea.
The liberty-style palace is home to most of the characters and their stories, which entangle and solve with joyful irony leading to the solution of the enigma. It all starts with a locket, a green lizard-shaped one.
Three rich and bored scions – Carlo, Giorgio and Lapo – decide to break into an apartment, a thrilling experience in their empty days. Their second target is Giovanni Greco’s house, an old and refined, yet grouchy, teacher, who spends most of his time in a city retirement house as “external guest”.
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Il Morso del Ramarro
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Director By : Maria Lodovica Marini
Film Overview
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Il Morso del Ramarro
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